Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Golden Answer

OK, for all you who've been dying to know the answer to the question posed in the last post, here it is.
I had mentioned that while touring the Clewiston Inn lounge (Yes, I was TOURING) that it houses a 360 degree mural of Florida's fauna and flora. And within that mural is one animal that doesn't belong.

Are you ready??  (Drum Roll).....It's this little guy, the Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel!
Some refer it to a chipmunk on steroids but it really is a squirrel (sorry Alvin). There are none of this species in Florida, but I think I see his cousins around Christmas time every year singing about a hoola-hoop!!
See how much you can learn in Hendry County, Florida! It's amazing, now go be the life of the party with that bit of trivia!

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